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Setting up a local development environment

The App needs a backend (using docker-compose) and some initial data to work. For thath you will need a NodeJS and npm installation. If you want to contribute you’ll also need git and a Github setup.

To run the database / application server you’ll need docker & docker-compose. For windows and Mac, docker-compose is included in the regular Docker Desktop installation.


On first run, this is downloading some images and other dependendcies, which might takes some time. Number 2 and 3 can be done at the same time.

  1. Install ionic:
    npm install -g @ionic/cli
  2. Install the local dependencies
    npm install
  3. start the application server/backend (parse) via
    npm run dev:run-parse
  4. Now configure the database structure via
    npm run dev:db
  5. load sample data
    npm run dev:db:mock-data
  6. configure the default Team as the script told you
    cp .env.development.local.template .env.development.local

Running the dev frontend

Now run

npm run serve

To start the local development frontend, it should open a webbrowser to the UI. The UI is mobile-friendly, use the browsers developer tools to switch into responsive mode.

This is a live-server: whenever you make changes to the source code, the server recompiles and updates the website live. Observe the terminal closely to learn about any errors in it. You can stop it by pressing CTRL+C.

You can test & see sent emails with MailHog, which is accessible in your browser at http://localhost:8025/

Re-/Starting the application backend

If it isn’t running yet, start the local backend to run locally:

npm run dev:run-parse

It will then be made accessible through the browser at http://localhost:4040/.

If you’ve done changes to the cloud-code, you have to restart the parse backend for it to take effect. Do that by running:

npm run dev:restart-parse

Running Tests

We use cypress (can be found in tests/e2e/specs) for end-2-end-integration testing. You can run them manually by running npx cypress open tests/e2e/specs/. You can also run the entire suite with npx cypress run or any specific test by attaching --spec tests/e2e/spec/polls.js (to learn more about this command, just add --help).

You need to have the backend (docker) and frontend runnig and served at localhost:8080 for that to work. It relies heavily for the mock-data in the assertions, so if it fails that might not be a bug but different state you currently have locally. To reset the database (CAREFUL THIS PERMANANTLY DELETES YOUR CURRENT DATA!) you can run npm run dev:db:reset. Be sure to restart any dev-serve npm run serve after, because the default Team ID will have changed.